


di Domenico Zambella -
Numero di risposte: 0
Questo messaggio per informare che domani alle 15 in aula S
Filippo Calderoni (UIC Chicago) terrà il seguente seminario:

[Filippo si è dottorato l'anno scorso anno a Torino.
Dice che il seminario è adatto a studenti.]

Title: Recent results on permutation groups

Abstract: The automorphism groups of countable homogeneous structures are natural examples of separable and completely metrizable topological groups. The richness of their topological properties have recently brought to light a crucial interplay between Fraïssé amalgamation theory and other areas of mathematics such as Ramsey theory and topological dynamics. Moreover they have been studied extensively as permutation groups. In this talk we focus on the latter aspect. We will discuss how certain model theoretic properties are used to analyze the normal subgroup structure of a large class of those groups. In particular, will see that if M is the order expansion of the Fraïssé limit of a free, transitive and nontrivial amalgamation class, then Aut(M) is simple. This is joint work with Kwiatkowska and Tent.