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Infinite combinatorics, Banach spaces, and the first Baire class
Anno Accademico 2021/22
Dottorato in Matematica Pura e Applicata
Video recordings
Fourth lecture (Scamperti-Notaro)
Fourth lecture (Scamperti-Notaro)
link to open resource.
◄ Third lecture (Scamperti)
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General presentation (Carroy)
A game-theoretical proof of Silver's infinite Ramsey result (Carroy)
Rosenthal's first $l_1$ theorem (Scamperti)
The Brunel-Sucheston theorem (Notaro)
Rosenthal's second l_1 theorem (Pitton)
c_0, l_1 and the first Baire class (Bonino)
Conclusion of the central part (Carroy)
Descriptive complexity and Banach spaces (Santiago)
Descriptive complexity and Banach spaces 2 (Santiago)
Analytic P-ideals and Banach spaces (Thei)
First lecture (Carroy)
Second lecture (Carroy)
Third lecture (Scamperti)
Fifth lecture (Notaro - Pitton)
Sixth lecture (Pitton - Bonino)
Seventh lecture (Bonino)
Eighth lecture (Bonino - Carroy)
Ninth lecture (Santiago)
Tenth lecture (Santiago)
Eleventh lecture (Thei)
Twelfth lecture (Carroy)
Thirteenth lecture (Motto Ros)
Fourteenth lecture (Motto Ros)
Fifth lecture (Notaro - Pitton) ►